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Overview of cash instruments

Menu Path

Cash flow ➔ Cash instruments ➔ Maintain


This overview displays cash instruments that you have created. For more information, see Creating and Maintaining Cash Instrument. A cash instrument is used to register cash flow transactions. The different types of instruments are:

  • Bank (accounts)
  • Cash
  • Credit card
  • Cash register 

From this overview, you can create, delete or view cash instrument; perform fund transfer; and other functions.

What version are you using?

The information in this document is based on product update 390. If you have versions lower than this, certain features explained here will not be applicable.


Bank name

Type or select a bank name to display the bank accounts. Alternatively, leave the box empty and the bank accounts for all banks are displayed.


Type or select a type of cash instrument. You can choose from All, Bank, Cash, Credit card or Cash register. By default, All is selected.

Cash instrument

Type or select a cash instrument. Alternatively, leave the box empty to view all cash instruments/bank accounts.


Type or select a country specific to the bank account. Alternatively, leave the box empty to display bank accounts linked to all countries.


Select this to view the following information which is displayed under the respective columns and at the bottom of the screen:

  • Bank balance - Shows the balance for the selected cash instruments. 
  • Cash inflow - Shows the total amount received. 
  • Cash outflow - Shows the total amount paid. 
  • Payments in transit - Shows the amount in the payments in transit account for the selected cash instruments. 


Select the status of the cash instrument to be displayed in the search results. You can select Inactive and/or Blocked.



Click this to display the search results on who made the change, the date and time, roles, and the action taken. Once you click the Log button, a new Rights–Log screen is displayed. Here, an overview of all users with rights granted for or removed from the cash instrument functionality is displayed.  

By default, the log records displayed are sorted by Date/Time. The following actions will be depicted in the log report:

  • Creating rights for users to access a cash instrument
  • Deleting rights of users to access a cash instrument


Click this to display the search results according to the defined criteria.

Cash flow

Click this to go to Cash flow/Entries/Cash flow in order to enter payments (cash out) and receipts (cash in). For more information, see Entering Payment and Receipt.


Click this to rename the existing cash instruments. This function comes in handy if you prefer to use the present number for a different cash instrument.

Transfer balance

Click this to transfer the cash instruments from its current general ledger to a new one.


Click this to delete a cash instrument.


Click this to view or modify the cash instrument. For information, see Creating and Maintaining Cash Instrument.


Click this to create a new cash instrument. For information, see Creating and Maintaining Cash Instrument.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Online help main
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 12.352.472
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release: 390  Attachment: